鼻敏感的起因多為鼻部交感神經,受到外在的環境、氣候刺激而產生過敏性反應,如打噴嚏、流鼻水、鼻癢、鼻塞;更嚴重的有引致過敏性鼻炎、鼻膜炎、鼻黏膜腫脹、鼻呼吸困難、頭痛等。 在西學醫治以抗敏感藥物來控制病情,但往往復發率持續;相對草本藥治療能減免藥物帶來之副作用,更且可保持身體的抗病機能,治癒率實為同類藥品之冠。德國洛爾托福製藥廠(Rottendorf Pharma GmbH )致力研發草本藥治療多年,經臨床實驗証實[德國特效鼻必寧]對於治療急慢性鼻炎所引起的打噴嚏、流鼻水、鼻流膿涕、鼻塞不通、頭昏耳嗚、過敏性鼻炎、慢性鼻竇炎等徵狀,均有顯著成效,且絕無副作用產生。 適應症:急慢性鼻炎所引起的鼻敏感症狀,如打噴嚏、流鼻水、鼻流膿涕、鼻塞不通、頭昏頭痛、過敏性鼻炎、慢性鼻竇炎等。 服法與用量:每日三次,每次二粒,或按照醫生的指示。 (一般治療以 30天為一個療程) Symptoms of allergic rhinitis including itchy, runny, sneezy, headache, stuffy noses and tightness over the affected sinus.Which may filled with thick nasal discharge of purulent material and become nasal congestion. This product is made of selected Natural Herbs containing no toxic and chemicals, no side effect reported. Indications: Symptoms of sinusitis is often cause by the allergic responses such as itching, sneezing, nasal congestion, acute and chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic nasosinusitis and headache. Dosage: Two capsules three times a day, or as directed by physician. (A course of treatment is 30 days without disruption.) Package: 60‘s per bottle. Cost: HKD$180 规格: 60粒装 售價:180元 联系QQ:1360144598